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Instant Movie with Classic White Frame / Size: Length: 8.8 cm x Height: 10.8 cm / Part image: Length 7.9 cm x Height: 7.9 cm Asa 640 - The more light you have, the better your shot photo. The instant film adores light, especially when it is natural. Use the flash for all

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23,24 € TTC

Garantie constructeur
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Expédiée sous 24/48h

23,24 € TTC

Garantie constructeur
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Expédiée sous 24/48h

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[`Format : 8,8cm x 10,8cm`,`Contient 16 feuilles (2 paquets de 8)`,`Fini brillant`,`Du00e9veloppement argentique en 10 u00e0 15 min`]

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